- Mihailovich, P + Taylor, C, “HAUTE ‘Luxury’ Branding” (Dec 2020). A book for professional, entrepreneurs and academics alike that shares the discreet French approach to developing real luxury maisons. The Branding Journal USA has just listed HAUTE ‘Luxury’ Branding as one of their Top Recommended Branding books alongside the big names such as Keller, Kapferer and Aaker!! What a wonderful accolade! https://www.
thebrandingjournal.com/2019/ 02/top-branding-books/
- Merci ‘destination store’, Paris: What Destiny for this Lifestyle Design Concept Store? in Ind, N & Horlings, S, “Brands with a Conscience: How to build a Successful and Responsible Brand”, Kogan Page (2016)
- Mihailovic,P. and de Chernatony,L. ‘BrandBonding-architectureMihailovicDeChernatony’, The Journal of Brand Management, Volume 1, #5, April 1994, pp 310-318 (Note: this paper provided the foundations of what is termed ‘Brand Architecture’ today by Aaker and other ‘brand gurus’.
- Mihailovic,P. and de Chernatony,L. ‘Brand-Bonding: The Birth of Brand Architecture’, Marketing Business, OCT 1994, pp31-34
- Mihailovic,P. and de Chernatony,L. ‘The Era of Brand Culling: Time for a Global Rethink’ The Journal of Brand Management, Volume 2, #5, April 1995, pp 308-315
- Mihailovic,P. and de Chernatony,L. ‘Brand-Bonding-Parts 1, 2, 3’, Professional Marketing & Management Review, S.Africa, Jan 1995, pp18-24, Feb 1995, p25, March 1995, pp12-13
- Mihailovic,P. ‘Go Conquer Europe’, Professional Marketing & Management Review, S. Africa, July 1995, pp15
- Mihailovic,P. ‘Time to Scrap the Rules: Entering Virgin Territory’, The Journal of Brand Management, Volume 3, # 1, August 1995, pp22-32 (used by Richard Branson as guideline model for his Virgin brand stretching strategy).
- Mihailovic,P. ‘Where to with Branding?’ European Cosmetics Markets, October 1995, pp381-385
- Mihailovic,P,’Kinship Branding: Looking Beyond Nation Branding’ Jnl of Place Branding, Volume 2, # 3, July 2006
- Mihailovich, Philippe ‘Mind the Gap! Branding Bridges in the Brain’ The Journal of the Medinge Group, vol. 3, no. 1, 2009
Professor Leslie de Chernatony head of the Centre for Research in Brand Marketing, Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham and lead author of ‘Creating Powerful Brands’